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Same for me...This script makes me go crazy
Now that i finally got it validated I can't test it :/Posts: 10 -
I've got some troubles with the script too, actually I name the cps and spawns like written, and the flag is still red...Posts: 10
If you still have problems with validading your map, it is very likely the script you downloaded is outdated.
Go to this page to download the latest version.Posts: 138 -
Great thx bas! It does work perfectly now!Posts: 10
No problem, glad it doesPosts: 138
just take my map out
i dont get the tt script and i dont have the time/motivation to get it :/Posts: 9 -
No worries Lodec. I fixed your map and I've included it in the judging.
Here's a download of the fixed map. But you'll need to change the author name by resaving it before updating the file on MX. You didn't place any spawns so there are no respawns in the map. But the map still works and it's still playable. And considering how easy the map is, the lack of respawns isn't really a problem.
I've also fixed TimeTrial - The Amazing Klaus (MMC) by itzViolent. None of the respawns worked because the spawns were not properly associated with the CPs. itzViolent, you can download the map and resave it with your own author name if you want to update the file on MX.
The other map that had issues was TimeTrial.MMC.asdf by Cidril. Many of the spawns were misnamed and for some reason the script used was TimeTrialArena instead of TimeTrial. I think it might have been the server script instead of the maptype script. So that one is fixed if Cidril wants to resave it and update his map page.
We're still waiting on one judge to finish, and then we'll have the results for June. Stay tuned.Last edited byeyebo
Who's left to finish?Posts: 33
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