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 Battle - CageFight

by   MrA 
 Storm / StormMan   |   Intermediate 
ID  31 
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A quite compact map with each teams spawn set back from a melee style arena. There is two poles for each team, one quite close to the spawn area and one a little further away.

Bumpers are just there to launch yourself into the arena at the start if you want to.

12 July 2012
Updated after beta1 release

13 July 2012
Changed the style of the pole
Made it 3 poles per team instead of two

23 July 2012
A recalculation of shadows
A couple of walls turned to windows
A couple of archways turned to windows

21 Feb 2013
Beta 3 update. Added some wood for decoration/obsticle. Added some rope archways, adjusted some platform pieces with the new blocks from beta.

04 Aug 2013
Various updates
Lighting recalculations
Likely to be small layout changes
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