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1. The MX Crew Support Program
The ManiaExchange Crew is an ever-changing, diverse and engaged group of Trackmania players who spend their freetime making the Maniaplanet community a better place. We are available almost 24/7 on our Discord to support you in site- and game-related issues. We as the MX Crew always believed that the project that is ManiaExchange can be more than a track sharing site, which is why we want to introduce you to the MX Crew Support program, where you can support development and maintenance of ManiaExchange. You can support the work we do and in exchange get access to new features that will help your projects and successes grow further.

New features are being developed right now and will sooner or later find their way into MX. Your monetary support will help justify the time spent on developing the features and also help sustain the various events that we organize.

You can either purchase merchandise from our partner Elbster or directly pay 5 Euros a month to our paypal account. All received money will be split among the MX crew as explained below.
2. Features
Here's a quick list of benefits for MX Supporters and crew members:
  • Multi Replay Uploader 
  • Multi Track Uploader for Mappacks 
  • MX Supporter tracklist on the frontpage 
  • Track File Size Limit to 24MB
  • Modify your Frontpage 
All of these features do not take away any of the existing features from regular MX users.
3. Distribution
We want to be transparent to you. It's important to us that you know where your money goes.
The main focus during the currently running development phase, where new features are being developed, distributes the money 45% to developers, 45% to rest of the crew. The distribution in regards to development accounts for the time-consuming task of development, testing and bugfixing. The development phase ends with the completion of the redesign or with no developers being in the team - in this case 80% of your funds will go towards the team.
Both distribution models will also use the left-overs to pay into a "MX-Pot". It is used to pay for site-related expenses and - if we accumulate enough - it might offer prizemoney for future ManiaExchange-hosted contests.
Become a Supporter of ManiaExchange

To get access to the crew support program, please log in.

 Recent Supporters

82 Supporters

generate about

12.37 €

per day, distributed between

5 Crew members.

# User Days
1. maze? 60
2. Inconnu 30
3. Romp 60
4. SapphiroN 60
5. rubusbugus 30
6. Matuu2 60
7. DasMooorhuhn 60
8. Gazorpalse 30
9. Xarek 360
10. entrylag 30
 Top Supporters
Thanks to all of our total

547 Supporters!

# User Days
1st   eyebo 3855
2nd   stupskiesel 3600
3rd Wawowen 3000
4th   adsun 2682
5th   Hadschin 2160
6th   pjw 1860
7th androfi 1800
8th wraith 1800
9th Raveout 1650
10th fabinyan 1440
11th green-K- 1440
12th   OLD-Bug 1440
13th  HaagseSmurf 1230
14th  MrA 1200
15th  slarti 1140
16th   deadfish 1090
17th   janne618 1080
18th   squiki 1080
19th  MooX 1080
20th  Yannex 1080
21st Naxanria 1080
22nd Calagaaan_ 1080
23rd  Eternity 990
24th   nor.mu 900
25th ringhunter 900
26th elgster 810
27th  gilli 790
28th  MrSpaceManiac 780
29th  spedzo 780
30th  Juice 750
31st  eole 720
32nd  basbaas 720
33rd  Beluga71 720
34th   bmx22c 720
35th   Theoria 720
36th  ToToTroll 720
37th  Ragasto 720
38th  vrbica 720
39th Clearvision 720
40th xenomorphis 720
41st jingatak 720
42nd quintcore 720
43rd Osoguineapig 720
44th orbittall 720
45th Vayq.wp 660
46th  NN_Doomsday 630
47th  Tuta 620
48th  PangoLynne 600
49th   Zengo 600
50th OregoX 600
51st EdamameTV 570
52nd  Ozei 570
53rd   inv4lid 570
54th  index 540
55th  Jak-Jak 540
56th   arnoosel 540
57th  nightwolf93 540
58th zumgarn 540
59th Proff10 540
60th threading 540
61st s_a_m 540
62nd  THE-MUT 480
63rd   SkyLinerAka 480
64th  OLDA_X 450
65th  erwam 450
66th dr_eugene 450
67th Tigerbott 450
68th LentillionTM 450
69th Zwirrlicht_ 420
70th htimh1 420
71st Lolomax 420
72nd Aethal 420
73rd  Ragedog 420
74th  rastalex 420
75th  wormi 420
76th   Ville 390
77th  slays 390
78th  Jahwise 390
79th KarjeN 390
80th Raikuz 390
81st TMSolus 390
82nd skai16 390
83rd  Luporacer 380
84th   FoF RooBah 360
85th   arthur_59390 360
86th   agrabou 360
87th  Boss Bravo 360
88th  Chris92 360
89th  cool-t 360
90th Physh 360
91st MIQQA [cnflct] 360
92nd Xarek 360
93rd mykadelic 360
94th  Sàmµel. 360
95th   SurgeDeus 360
96th  Plan-B 360
97th  willie-maykit 360
98th RogueDawn 360
99th ItzHani 360
100th ToTheMax47 360
101st XLRB 360
102nd Ice_Tm 360
103rd NetuTM 360
104th iamskyfish 360
105th MaybeKali 360
106th billyrim 360
107th moontrane 360
108th shaggy321 360
109th jackmania 360
110th Achereto 360
111st Taaaasse 360
112nd TheChraz 360
113rd FTC»DeDeJø 360
114th Golo 360
115th TMarc 360
116th zycos132 360
117th Ranish 360
118th JR1988 360
119th Djinxu 360
120th Mudda 360
121st  Razo.'R 330
122nd  Mr.DVD 330
123rd  riolu 300
124th  Ealipse 300
125th   achepta 300
126th Fedayk1n 300
127th shitfest 300
128th sunaj 300
129th blackpulse 300
130th Sky 270
131st  bladerunner78 270
132nd  keissla 240
133rd xxxN3XTxxx 240
134th rulz81 240
135th  timmy 240
136th  Squidgy36 240
137th  Willigamer 240
138th Phil42 240
139th mr_birne 240
140th Everios96 240
141st Rabbi 240
142nd Scorchius 240
143rd Brave 210
144th Dam_El_Pouleto 210
145th Scarzor 210
146th The_Westend 210
147th Banano_TV 210
148th   XertroV 210
149th  moggie68 210
150th Xalkatrax 210
151st  fng_thatoneguy 198
152nd  Mark136 180
153rd bhuji 180
154th   Owly 180
155th  simo_900 180
156th  TMTOM 180
157th Deejay 180
158th rulz 180
159th Boeny 180
160th dutchspeed 180
161st Enysado 180
162nd Jeff808 180
163rd bergen3 180
164th Paulmar35 180
165th nytroza 180
166th Sternutatoire 180
167th priez 168
168th teighmart 150
169th Araknuum 150
170th  trounoirtm 150
171st  nilakite2 150
172nd Matuu2 150
173rd Huhlolnvm 150
174th Lynnwicked 150
175th   Gommettes 150
176th  Hitchy 150
177th  aijena 150
178th  Beat fcking RPG ever 150
179th InvaderZim 140
180th SqueakyTomato 120
181st _firestorrm 120
182nd Chaldan 120
183rd Nacho 120
184th titagames 120
185th ydoowoody 120
186th lackadal 120
187th Enco 120
188th MNRN 120
189th hotsch17 120
190th maze? 120
191st ArEyeses 120
192nd Mumu_Didi 120
193rd  AR_-_ 120
194th   cCheeseCake 120
195th  eFFecT 120
196th  entelech 120
197th  h0uly 120
198th  lmb-willy 120
199th  Larentz 120
200th NomikRiver 120
201st MrPepsy 120
202nd  [user deleted 291] 120
203rd  1polo 120
204th  Neurario 120
205th  Nordplay 120
206th  MiLTanT 120
207th  MrCinimini 120
208th  RexasaurusSmurf 120
209th  Rieusauseric 120
210th  StunTMan 120
211st  Wallaby 120
212nd Jumper 114
213rd  rad 108
214th ZrackZz 96
215th  redshadow____ 90
216th  qlowb 90
217th  mrsnippy51 90
218th  not7_Harry 90
219th  walabulu4 90
220th  Xiro 90
221st Everios96_2 90
222nd R4igekon 90
223rd apness 90
224th DD0LLA 90
225th illancup 90
226th nappael1 90
227th  Koble 90
228th  IsItRicky 90
229th Ayrtone1 90
230th SirBillySalz 90
231st Genesis182 90
232nd havarh 90
233rd adam_isto_ttv 90
234th BSTLouMar 90
235th DoogieMD 90
236th FalcoTM. 90
237th Adralonter 90
238th Mindamon 90
239th j00kluch 90
240th aleph0 90
241st Heku 90
242nd Erizel 90
243rd OursVelu 90
244th utilisateur2 60
245th pi2kr 60
246th noni 60
247th Hardtack 60
248th oddisss 60
249th Rastats 60
250th Peekabluu 60
251st Elysianito 60
252nd timwie 60
253rd koowedz 60
254th Vixxa 60
255th Tim2505 60
256th Speedy 60
257th smog70 60
258th Lives 60
259th speedou_07 60
260th Sqweegel 60
261st Spitfire 60
262nd qqlele 60
263rd SapphiroN 60
264th Line»UD 60
265th zappelhanz 60
266th Arzar 60
267th Winny 60
268th Kem 60
269th montetatil 60
270th tenaesaei 60
271st lekkerrichard1 60
272nd MajorGiggles 60
273rd waltzed 60
274th »rydnaTM 60
275th aziui 60
276th NicolAme 60
277th MrHighwayKY 60
278th Tobituner 60
279th Dansee_TM 60
280th Moisty3000 60
281st Loco_T 60
282nd ab52 60
283rd Decline 60
284th xEmlanx 60
285th s314ke 60
286th Royal Training Maps 60
287th QuosmicSloth 60
288th _Hazard 60
289th Mysterie 60
290th  Fwkes-Sam 60
291st  Jarektmnx 60
292nd  Little_F0x 60
293rd  maniamaster_tm 60
294th  benj9029 60
295th  bratbuechse 60
296th  breach 60
297th Tokuto 60
298th wizzlebee 60
299th Hakkun. 60
300th Alamo Cup 60
301st layer7 60
302nd Rempler 60
303rd PardonTheAim 60
304th Guodlca 60
305th MindHex 60
306th Club 420 60
307th ApexCryptLord 60
308th baconpatroller 60
309th MrCrack 60
310th Polycopy 60
311st Romp 60
312nd DasMooorhuhn 60
313rd Curiouso 60
314th  Quantum Firefox 60
315th  Ozon 60
316th  scorpion20017 60
317th  toffe 60
318th  TheAlive 60
319th  X3kuba3X 50
320th lolsport 48
321st G-Zis 42
322nd Wirtual 40
323rd deathblob2 36
324th Elenrix.TM 36
325th Jiklim 30
326th Arppa 30
327th QuadratClown 30
328th Kongen1881 30
329th m4r3kkk 30
330th rosie________ 30
331st Kvikk 30
332nd Choror 30
333rd scooter_king 30
334th vikingjoec 30
335th DradaL29 30
336th mwilliamson 30
337th VegansDelicious84 30
338th SuprimeTM 30
339th Flayy 30
340th SourApple 30
341st chpoit 30
342nd MLPGlimGlam 30
343rd bussinongod 30
344th nicholasheppard 30
345th Syimn 30
346th Inconnu 30
347th  -Iceman- 30
348th Itzcoalt 30
349th buttlumps 30
350th rubusbugus 30
351st Yurinero 30
352nd Zemano 30
353rd sa1lor_seller 30
354th tehdonno 30
355th Undier 30
356th lahm66 30
357th Glossy.KPR 30
358th itzTheRealOG 30
359th Kyo-o2k 30
360th LovemasterTM 30
361st Xiety1 30
362nd  BestNoob 30
363rd  alphaleon 30
364th  AmpelJoe10 30
365th  delaweed 30
366th  falido 30
367th  FF-MrBigleuz 30
368th  Filipuntik 30
369th  darkpuddle 30
370th  CitoxeTM 30
371st  Cocktail 30
372nd  ConverterProfessional 30
373rd  MCYCShadow 30
374th  Jess 30
375th  lambda007 30
376th  kamakaze»LT 30
377th  hong 30
378th  imabigdipper 30
379th  Heasto 30
380th  xmergi 30
381st  xxAlex765xx 30
382nd  Vvopat 30
383rd  Voltus_NL 30
384th  vamosdikar 30
385th  velv 30
386th  viiru 30
387th  tooInfinite 30
388th  titato 30
389th  Trek 30
390th  Tylerz 30
391st  ubm 30
392nd  Seliaste 30
393rd  Shadowstalker94 30
394th  Skweeky2 30
395th  sobral97 30
396th  spacemonkey426 30
397th  SparklingW 30
398th  PerleTheBudgie 30
399th  pjsans 30
400th  Roquete44 30
401st  Neon1990 30
402nd  Neoriion 30
403rd [user deleted 41066] 30
404th Kirap1879 30
405th PiffWiestje 30
406th BandonTM 30
407th Parinho23 30
408th delforas 30
409th Slorppi 30
410th Looboer 30
411st QueNer.. 30
412nd moppenpog 30
413rd Interfector 30
414th LowGearLarry 30
415th x_PAVLOS_x 30
416th BimobTm 30
417th alexboi 30
418th K1nex 30
419th TheMurph1 30
420th Manneke 30
421st spypunk 30
423rd ynwa70 30
424th HandsomelessKing 30
425th Jtmaca9 30
426th BE_Project 30
427th ImPointR 30
428th EvoNAImport 30
429th Kaishiro 30
430th nyzorTM 30
431st Maski 30
432nd Jeder1 30
433rd Ineentho 30
434th alijandro 30
435th itstactiicz 30
436th Dr0neSpencer 30
437th Buckley 30
438th Kabir 30
439th DESMANE 30
440th NAImport 30
441st Skorpiik 30
442nd aylarockstar 30
443rd thericoricorico 30
444th KolaNokka 30
445th NolfAKAMerlouze 30
446th Faeglas 30
447th xambrastic 30
448th cazmeister101 30
449th DjangVo 30
450th bspaid44 30
451st hk0s 30
452nd Liffey 30
453rd MountainDiesel 30
454th KoderonTM 30
455th BlaiddTM 30
456th RawrDragon 30
457th Terra 30
458th B!co 30
459th OriginalGarth 30
460th isigold 30
461st Terrasil 30
462nd jahbibbo 30
463rd GTMHD 30
464th krni2020 30
465th Jorday 30
466th OwO_bots 30
467th insanity.hyp 30
468th Remy Limelight 30
469th SuperRedNova-TM 30
470th Gold.TM 30
471st Fashooooo 30
472nd Dwolfe242 30
473rd Glypheon 30
474th MrFunnyFun1366 30
475th NeKz 30
476th Levontree1 30
477th ZeratoR 30
478th Reevzz 30
479th Myst 30
480th spammiej 30
481st Joggl 30
482nd Fenrir 30
483rd Otarus 30
484th Trounoir 30
485th Quandiii 30
486th eeleagle 30
487th bcp 30
488th Nebula 30
489th mrspiz 30
490th fourage 30
491st Kerebatem 30
492nd Bandilock 30
493rd idol 30
494th Shadowdane 30
495th AR_Down 30
496th knts.käejko 30
497th DarkViper 30
498th Breslers 30
499th Ranzou 30
500th BLUTIG 30
501st peaton 30
502nd SimplyNick 30
503rd lefoudu32 30
504th tmKiro 30
505th DiggerTm 30
506th R0rShaK 30
507th DevosTM 30
508th roxxon 30
509th Matisterik 30
510th entrylag 30
511st amgreborn 30
512nd Fritos34 30
513rd minced_ 30
514th Daehryn 30
515th Flink__ 30
516th manu2k21 30
517th plastorex 30
518th ekim 30
519th Gazorpalse 30
520th coLe2000 30
521st SirTalyon 30
522nd kaquaoify 30
523rd bonteauxlekun 30
524th N3xTy 30
525th Meesto 30
526th fabinshain 30
527th Kakkou 30
528th Febi 30
529th jiboorney 30
530th farmerchuggers 30
531st rickeinjae 30
532nd mime.wp 30
533rd Beu 30
534th Agoa 30
535th  valplay8 20
536th  Superal 20
537th  zack11 20
538th Oclavukixus 20
539th terminator681 18
540th BURLYpog 12
541st sashofan 6
542nd Nysferatu 6
543rd Nasti_Eb 6
544th  mazer 6
545th Inventore927 6
546th jaysarma987 0
547th  YajTPG 0