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  • #1 · MMC Theme suggestions
  • Hello shoomania fans and old trackmania mates!

    In this topic you may suggest themes for the Monthly Mapping Contest, which started this month, and will hopefully live its way through multiple years!

    I'm really glad to see this many entries for our very first mmc, and I'd love to see even more in the future!
    Ofcourse, we need ideas for some kick ass themes for future MMC's.

    Every suggestion is welcome, don't be afraid to suggest something!

    See you soon!

    Posts: 138
  • #2 · ...
  • Hi MMC Team,
    I'm very curious why you chose elite for May :/ The Maps for the new mappack are already built and sent in, and sadly in Elite only maps for tournaments get played...Other maps get ignored. Sad but true.
    And a pitty that you don't support a mode without a mappack. (Cool thing about this contest though is that those 2 x blocks are forbidden)
    I know the response to that will be: suggest something else then, so here are my proposals

    Speedball with focus on wooden parts
    Heroes, Take over a Castle
    Jailbreak, easy to defend the pole when in jail to prevent enemies from camping
    TimeAttackMaps in Trackmania style (30-40 sec no hard obstacles)

    please please please don't do a contest for Obstacle..this mode doesn't need support, so many players building for it anyways and there are so many maps

    Last edited by  Drive
    Posts: 10
  • #3 · ...
  • For Speedball I suggest to wait the title pack with new blocks...

    Elite hehe
    Last edited by  TitiShu
    Posts: 10
  • #4 · ...
  • Definitely like some of those ideas, although the Heroes one might be too soon after Elite to do just yet, but its actually my favourite as I really like an excuse to make castle maps

    I think the MMC will certainly move into some less known or played modes, but its only the 2nd month and maybe the idea was to pick something accessible for many people.

    Drive says...
    Elite only maps for tournaments get played...Other maps get ignored. Sad but true.

    There must be casual elite players who don't care to play the same maps on every server and just don't know where to find servers offering something else ...
    Last edited by  MrA
    Posts: 489
  • #5
  • It's my idea:
    ketrab says...

    Ordinary Battle, but small.
    -1 Blue-spawn,
    -1 Red-spawn,
    -1 Blue-mast,
    -1 Red-mast,
    -1 Engage-mast.
    -Max dimensions: 10x15.
    I think it's simply and nice topic for Holiday.
    Posts: 17
  • #6
  • I was thinking, use a theme for heroes, which does not differ too much from elite, but needs more popularity.
    My idea is: Y axis Heroes: heroes maps that are displayed in a mostly vertical way. Maybe?
    Posts: 33
  • #7
  • What about a MMC on Siege mode?
    Posts: 7
  • #8
  • Yeah siege could be cool Does take quite long to build a map for though.
    Posts: 138
  • #9 · ...
  • Hmm, i have been considering a Combo map that has to be placed on a natural settlement (or have mostly ground/grass tiles for walking on, since most are often inside buildings) give it a natural settlement feel to it (or ancient ruins by extension) just a thought, i'll probably add some more ideas later
    Last edited by  Snake55wildcat
    Posts: 46
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