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Is it just me but how do you search for a map on here?
I want to view ALL Battle maps and when I do a search, nothing shows up, even though I have chosen the correct game mode.
I am guessing, you have to have more parameters to use when searching, and you're not allowed to search just on game mode, which, in my humble opinion, is pretty stupid.
Forgive me but, perhaps I am having a bad day, or the database is down for repair or something. Any help for quickly viewing a list of maps for a particular gametype, would be much appreciated!Posts: 4 -
Oh.... now I have found the answer.
Click on the FIND MAPS link, and not the other sub items.
For those that are also having problems, this is your answer.
ps..... IMHO, I think you should make FIND MAPS a sub menu itemPosts: 4 -
Glad you found it.
But your logic is back to front, a sub set of choices can only appear if there is a primary choice, and so the primary should be the most important thing while the sub set is less important things.
As 'search all maps' is the most important thing, it is the primary choice.Last edited byMrA
Posts: 489 -
Thanks for clearing that up. I do understand your logic behind it.
When trying to do a search for the latest maps, it shows no results.
Can you help me out here and let me know if this is possible, if so, how do i do that?
ThanksLast edited by4thdesign
Posts: 4 -
Sorry, ignore my last post.
What I am trying to say is that if you go to the sub menus like Nadeo or Duo, there are no results, and when you attempt to use the search options on those links, I dont think the search engine works.
So I wonder what the point is for this, unless Nadeo maps and Duo options are coming at some later point?
Last edited by4thdesign
Posts: 4 -
that there is no results for those, is the correct result, at the moment.
The Nadeo maps thing will be sorted out in time, the duo maps thing is dependant on if users decide to build maps and release them using a duo account (which are made on the accounts site)...
I'm not sure how relevent duo building will be for SM comparred to TM where collaborations in building are quite popular.Last edited byMrA
Posts: 489
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