
  • Sticky Threads
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  • This series of blog posts originally appeared in the MX blogs in July 2012. I've included the original content and most of the comments here in this forum thread.
    [Blog Series] Map Design Advice  
    eyebo · 
    7 Posts
  • This list is a work in progress
    Tutorials & Guides
    eyebo · 
    1 Posts
  • Hello and welcome to Mania Exchange!
    Registration Instructions  
    Forzyy · 
    3 Posts
  • Community Threads
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  • some maps point to a textures mod URL (locator) instead of using a user files textures mod name, so that players will download the mod in the game cache instead of relying on local user files.
  • If i play them in the editor in takes long to load the editor first but if i try making a local server(which is the only option in local play section)i cant play.Any help?
    How do you play custom maps?  
    Xtreme · 
    2 Posts
  • Hey...
    Map Size limit + Embeded Items  
    TitiShu · 
    4 Posts
  • Hi, I'm Psycho a Shootmania Obs mapper, i wanted to map somethin after months of absence and when i waanted to upload the map on MX i didn't remember the PW, so i used the password reset's mail but i received anything, even in the junk mails.
    Hope you'll find a solution. [...]
    A Password Problem  
    psychopestolero · 
    2 Posts
  • As I was trying to get myself up-to-date with the new Shootmania blocks, I noticed a new kind of block, one which looks like a purple portal. However, as far as I can tell, it only acts to prevent players from jumping in a certain direction. What do these blocks actually do, though? I'm certain I'm missing some rather vital info...
    2 Posts
  • Hi all,
    I am looking for some story maps. [...]
    Story maps
    Bionick · 
    1 Posts
  • A while ago, someone contacted me and asked if I had an opportunity to circumvent Maniaplanet's password protection for the map editor, because he had forgotten the passwords to his old maps and couldn't recover them.
    1 Posts

  • Hey there, [...]
    Screenshot services  
    FreaK! · 
    2 Posts
  • I do not have either Royal or Elite as game mode options when building a new map... (in the map type selection).
    Royal and Elite Game Modes  
    Shocktor · 
    3 Posts
  • PCGamer posted a great article "How to make a good ShootMania map – tips from Nadeo’s designers". Well worth the read!
    Map Building Tips from Nadeo  
    eyebo · 
    2 Posts
  • HI!
    I'm trying to create a time trail/time attack map (not sure what it's called). But I'm not so good with those game modes, how to add them to the map and stuff like that. So, I need help. I have made a track with a start, checkpoints and a tower-thingy at the end. [...]
    Time trail / Time attack mode | Help!  
    Elvestad · 
    2 Posts
  • Hi, I have a problem with one of my maps (my first btw ). On the top left in the editor I've marked it as a BattleArena, so it's a team map, but the validation flag on the bottom right in the editor is red. If I click on it it only says: "You need to set only one #1 spawn". I really hope someone knows an answer, because I to
    Thank you
    Validation error?  
    gadoweldosd · 
    3 Posts
  • Hello,
    3 Posts
  • Hi there,
    Costom scripts/mapmodes
    deWeeda · 
    1 Posts
  • so I've been adding Elite(exp) to one of my stations, now I realised that there is another Elite mode (missing the exp which i assume means that its non experimental).
    So... which ones the latest? [...]
    Stations and Elite(exp) vs Elite  
    hageldave · 
    4 Posts
  • As the editor lacks the ability to draw overlay lines it's hard to pinpoint the exact center
    This is very annoying when you're busy pinpointing where the chokepoints (point where 2 teams meet) should be. [...]
    Center tile helper
    BLiNNeMaNS · 
    1 Posts
  • A map that is 350kb will after a shadowcomputing and saving by a different name grow to aprox 1,3 mb.
    Even when reducing the lighting and coppersize (removing blocks), the map will still be 1,x mb. [...]
    filesize grow-bug  
    maksen · 
    2 Posts
  • Database Stats: 25,964 Maps (1 last 24h) · 0 103 Videos (0 last 24h) · 4,705 Users (0 last h)