Hello everyone, thank you for all uploads, merry christmas and a happy new year!
Here is a selection for this week:
Map Pool Week 47 (23th December)
3 New Maps:
Elite - Vulcania 1.0 by Holo
Bad Track/Map Link]
Elite.fu.chatreux by scanner11
3 Previous Maps:
?Elite - Orakel by Fubory
Elite - Technesia by Livert
Elite - Shortbread by DrLester
Map Saved:
Elite - Escalation 2015 by Kyb
EDIT: Please excuse me for being selfish... I wanted to pick "Elite - Memories v0.2 " by
Ze-Rax; it was released yesterday when I looked at the maps, but today it is "hidden by the author" (well, probably it was hidden yesterday too and I just did not notice). So I picked "
Elite - Spread by Ze-Rax instead, but I just noticed that we had that map a few weeks ago. So now I picked one of mine maps, because I have no time to look any further and there were only very few good maps this weeks so I had no map in reserve (there were more good maps by scanner11, but we only pick one map per author).