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SM Quick Reference Starters Guide
SM Quick Reference Starters Guide 02 Nov, 2013
 kadaz (0 comments, 6942 views)  
Shootmania Starter's Guide:

Here is a small tutorial to help those needing a little extra help in knowing
where to go to find things quickly so the experience can be more enjoyable.

Shootmania Player Login Page:
- http://player.maniaplanet.com
Shootmania Player Movement Keys:
- Press Left Mouse Button to shoot,
- Press WASD keyboard keys to move, or customize later,
- Press Right Mouse Button to jump/use stamina,
- Press Left Mouse Button to use 2nd rope while in air,
- Press Space bar to activate player stamina.
Shootmania Mapper's Share, Forum, Monthly Contests and +++
- http://sm.mania-exchange.com/
Shootmania Skins/Mod/Objects/Scripts Website:
- http://www.maniapark.com
Shootmania Player Map Design Advice:
- http://sm.mania-exchange.com/blogs/search/?authorid=5781
Shootmania Storm Skin Creation
- http://www.maniapark.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=20472

Shootmania IRC Login Site:
- http://sm.mania-exchange.com/irc
Shootmania In-Game Map Editor:
- Pick and place.. Be Creative.. Suggestion - play a while first.
Shootmania Mod Selection:
- After placing the mod in the folder, use the in-game (press control while selecting map) to type to pick mod.

Shootmania Default Cache Folder:
C:\ProgramData\ManiaPlanet\ PacksCache\
Shootmania Default Folder Directories:
Shootmania Maps Folder: - Documents\Maniaplanet\Maps\
Shootmania Mod Folder: - Documents\Maniaplanet\Skins\Storm\Mod\
Shootmania Object Folder: - Documents\Maniaplanet\Items\SMCommon\
Shootmania Skins Folder: - Documents\Maniaplanet\Skins\Models\ArenaPlayer\
Shootmania Script Folder: - Documents\Maniaplanet\Scripts\Modes\ShootMania\
Shootmania Skins Folder: - Documents\Maniaplanet\Skins\Models\ArenaPlayer\

Shootmania Tools for Blockmixing Maps:
- You find it in the options/esc, and checkbox the 1st an/or the 2nd one too.
Shootmania Reference Guides to Scripting:
- http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?t=4851
- http://maniascript.team-devota.com/struct_c_sm_mode.html
- http://maniascript.team-devota.com/struct_c_sm_player.html
- http://konte.org/trackmania/maniascript/documentation.html
- http://doc.maniaplanet.com/creation/maniascript/tuto/going-further-with-maniascript.html
Shootmania Bots and Examples of how to script them :
- http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?f=321&t=18425
Shootmania Dedicated Server Setup:
- http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?f=435&t=13560&hilit=+script
Shootmania Maniaplanet Server Viewer: (Servers & Player Rankings)
- http://serverviewer.mania-server.net/

Shootmania Wiki Information: -> this should be grouped into one.
- http://wiki.maniaplanet.com/en/Maniahome
- http://wiki.maniaplanet.com/en/Planets
- http://wiki.maniaplanet.com/en/About_ManiaPlanet
- http://wiki.maniaplanet.com/en/Player_Page
- http://wiki.maniaplanet.com/en/Title_Pack
- http://wiki.maniaplanet.com/en/Game_Modes_(Storm)
- http://wiki.maniaplanet.com/en/Weapons_%26_Special_abilities
- http://wiki.maniaplanet.com/en/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Elite_Guest_Access
- http://wiki.maniaplanet.com/en/Frequently_Asked_Questions#ShootMania
- http://wiki.maniaplanet.com/en/Create_a_playerskin

Getting a Server setup, referral code included.


Tmarc Useful links - similar to what is here.

- http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=25029

:d Kadaz aka Sir Knight

Ps. If I'm missing anything here, please pm, and I'll add it right away, Thank you.
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