Germany bladerunner78

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Hello Maniac´s

maybe a few know me already from trackmania
I'm building there for many years
so I am very familiar with the editor
thanks to years of experience with TMUF and TM 2 Canyon

because I come from the shooter scene !
all parts of the quake, cod and battlefield series can call my own
fps shooter could inspire me always since i playing games

I had to buy shootmania
I think it's great

I love the map editor always and want to build lots of cool maps for

I hope you have
occasionally some time and interest
to watch new works from me

I would be very honored
to get good feedback's of the community

whether positive or negative
anything can help make it better in future

many thanks and hopefully lots of fun

best regards

visit my other mania profils

TM2 Canyon -

and the beginning LOL many shit maps and a few good ^^
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