A fast paced, high intensity elite map with height difference as the main defender advantage. The map is fairly small with a 14 second sprint from attacker to defender spawn, therefore are the tight angles and edges a key factor.
[Update 10.05.13]
The main changes are all the lamps. The map is much brighter now but I also added some details for the looks. The pole is a bit more in the corner and is just a tad more covered.
[Update 16.05.13]
Big update. The pole area is much tighter now, the booster is moved and outerwall access is removed.
[Update 18.05.13]
Fixed the left route, and opened it up a bit in the middle. Also pole is moved slightly.
[Update 20.05.13]
Leftside lowground is now 1 step higher to make it less brutal. I also put a fence on the wall top of leftside route for a defender spot. + minor stuff
[Update 21.05.13]
Opened up the left side and changed the cover when coming in from left route to polearea.
[Update 22.05.13]
Changed the powerjump block at polearea. minor change on leftside route and removed overexposed area.
Current version: 1.0.8