[Obstacle] Learning techniques

 27  0  2614
 10 ID
Map NameAuthorVehicleTypeTagsDiffAw.Dl.
1.Basics of Shootmania [EN]AurelSMStormManObstacleSolo
 9 4.6K
2.Hysteria Tutorials || 1 - Jump | StaminaHarest, hysteriaStormManObstacleSolo
 1 3.7K
3.Hysteria Tutorials || 2 - Wall JumpHarest, hysteriaStormManObstacleSolo
 3 3.9K
4.Hysteria Tutorials || 3 - Wooden SlidesHarest, hysteriaStormManObstacleSolo
 1 3.3K
5.HOW TO PLAY SHOOTMANIA #1 - MovementsziyxStormManObstacleSolo
 1 3.8K
6.Apprendre le Rocket Wall Jump 2.0kana00StormManObstacleSolo
 4 4.6K
7.HOW TO PLAY SHOOTMANIA #2 - RocketWallJumpziyxStormManObstacleSolo
8.LB»»» learning rwj BervtStormManObstacleSolo
9.Hysteria // Practice RWJHarest, hysteriaStormManObstacleSolo
10.?Obs² - Tuto RWJ noob to better :DBervtStormManObstacleSolo
11.Turflick - Progressive Inter Tutorial flicknutellaxStormManObstacleOther
12.Progressive Flick - Inter EndingnutellaxStormManObstacleOther
13.FlickMaster series #1 - Flick InitiatecheesebulletsStormManObstacleSolo
14.Sbv's Cornerjump TutorialVilleStormManObstacleSolo
 1 3.5K
15.Hysteria // Practice EJHarest, hysteriaStormManObstacleSolo
16.Training RocketJump - Flick - NamseiJumpAurelSMStormManObstacleSolo
 1 3.8K
17.TRAIN - KanaWJ (lvl1) N°1cheesebulletsStormManObstacleSolo
18.TRAIN - KanaWJ (lvl2) N°1cheesebulletsStormManObstacleSolo
19.TRAIN - KanaWJ (lvl3) N°1cheesebulletsStormManObstacleSolo
20.TRAIN - HippeMove (lvl1) N°1cheesebulletsStormManObstacleSolo
 1 3.8K
21.TRAIN - HippeMove (lvl2) N°1cheesebulletsStormManObstacleSolo
22.Step by Step (by Aurel et Swytsh)AurelSMStormManObstacleSolo
 7 5.1K
23.Are you skilled? RENEWALAurelSMStormManObstacleSolo
24.Prove yourself (by Aurel & L3k0rSS)AurelSM, L3k0rSSStormManComboSolo
25.Out For Revenge !AurelSMStormManObstacleSolo
26.Aven tutorialkeethStormManObstacleSolo
27.Fox Tutorial! V2ziyxStormManObstacleSolo
 6 5.3K
Author Comments
In addition to the Hysteria Tutorials mappack, here's a more complete list of good maps to learn the different techniques you'll need in SM Obstacle to play a more varied list of maps. And to feel a bit more at ease while playing them.
Initially Hysteria wanted to build more tutorial maps, cf. the end of the 3rd one with a "4, 5, 6" panel, but it didn't happen.

I encourage you to play online if you can, as you'll often meet players ready to help you learn Obstacle.

Maps are listed in recommended order, but i'll also put a list here for the general order in which you probably want to go in your learning process. Feel free to deviate if you absolutely want to learn a specific technique earlier. Also note it's only true for the first few techs mainly. After that you can go in any direction you want. Basically, after learning basics, RWJ and flicks.

A GDoc is available here to help you know where to go to learn SM Obstacle, by listing good maps to do so. It is currently in the making. I might adapt this mappack during the process.

First i want to point out there's many great maps called "progressive", as they require / teach you many techniques at once, and become progressively harder as you progress towards the goals. is probably the most known author for such maps.
Here's a few ones: , , , , , . There's a server just for them.

And here's the list of techniques and maps associated for each:

  • Basics (Sprint, Jump, Wall Jump) : , the 3 Hysteria tutorial maps,
  • Rocket Wall Jump (RWJ): , , , ,
  • Flick Wall Jump: , ,
  • Corner Jump (CJ):
  • Escalator Jump (EJ):
  • Namsei:
  • Wall Boost:
  • Rocket Jump (RJ; technically you learnt it already alongside)
  • Kana: , ,
  • Hippe: ,

Feel free to contact me to edit the list.
Also please note many maps may not teach you how to do the techniques and will serve more as a tool to learn doing the techniques properly. That's especially true for the advanced techniques like Kana and Hippe. Some are also currently not included there, like boo(o)ts or freelook EJ. If you're at this point, you probably don't need a mappack for it 😏.

Note: Since i'm not the best placed player to do such list (i've less than 100h played), i mostly listed maps we recommended me or i saw being recommended.
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