To answer your question, and to repeat what Hylis has once said : it would add a key to the key bindings of the game.
And he definitely doesn't want that, in order to keep the game as accessible/simple as possible.
Works well once you get used...
It works now. I found the "Block properties mode" :)
:P Hello All !
Where's crooms maps :@
tried an edit too. it came out of boredom.
a battle on a extremly small map - get ready for a hardcore battle!:p
should be pretty much fun on a server with more than 2 players ;)
much better without dot, but I liked the big logo more tho^^
+1, I liked how the logo was a bit more distinct. It's still great though :)
I have uploaded six maps for TeamSurvival. This is a custom mode created by Vaalerian.
Some details on the mode....
I thought Shoot Mania was lacking of a simple team mode, and i used to like playing the kind of team FPS like Counter Strike, so...
It start to help me, but can u say to us, how we can build a melee map, with the rail gun as weapon, in a deathmatch (no finish necessary) like the instagib UT mod ?
Thank you for your help.
There is an instagib mode, but that's only forced by se...
I'd really supprt the idea of ingame-map-rating, there would be a ManiaExchange-server-plugin or something needed, but I guess thi would be quite possible. (I never made a server by myself, so I have no clue, was just a guess^^)
I'm working on a Ma...